Utica University

 A safe place to live and learn

Umail: Get Ready for your first year at Utica

Utica University

Hi Pioneer,

Utica University Campus Safety is a full-service department that is open to the campus community year round, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Campus Safety strives to encourage student-Campus Safety partnerships to aid in crime prevention and to maintain a mutual understanding and trust between students and campus. Your safety is very important to us, and we want you to know that our Campus Safety officers are always available when you need them.

Utica University prides itself on our commitment to be an inclusive, intellectual, and safe community. Even so, every Utica student should know what to do in an emergency.

Important Safety Information

  • Add Campus Safety's number (315.792.3046) to your list of contacts.
  • Know that as a Utica student, you are automatically signed up for the Utica Alert system.* 
  • Blue-light boxes with automatic emergency call buttons are located throughout campus.
  • Sign up for the Utica University "Safer U" app, located in the "App Store" for Apple users or the "Playstore" for Android users.
*We advise ALL members of the campus community to verify the contact information used by Utica Alert to make sure the information we have for you is not incomplete, out of date, or incorrect. You can easily check your registration by visiting http://www.getrave.com/login/utica. Login using your university username and password, and you will see the information currently on file. If the information is outdated/incorrect please update it using the “edit” feature. As an extra measure of security, you can test the alert system using the yellow “test” button.

Safety officers are Responsible for

  • maintaining order and safety both within campus buildings and throughout the campus grounds;
  • providing protection from theft, misuse, and vandalism for personal and campus property;
  • enforcing the University's safety rules and regulations.

Our officers are highly trained, and conduct themselves with the highest degree of professionalism. They are committed to protecting you and your fellow students, while respecting your rights as a member of the Utica University community.

Other Services Campus Safety Provides:

Office of Campus Safety
Strebel Student Center Room 112
(Out back doors on first floor)
(315) 792-3046

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Utica University

315.792.3006 | 800.782.8884

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