Utica University

 Class Schedule FAQ

Umail: Get Ready for your first year at Utica

Utica University

Hi Pioneer,

At this time your Success Coach is building your course schedule. Schedules are built based on your Math Placement results, First Year Student Survey, Transfer Credits, and Major. 

FAQ about Registration:
  • Who is my Success Coach?

    • All undergraduate Utica University students have Success Coaches assigned by major. You can find your Success Coach online at kionssdywfnkr.com/studentsuccess

  • What do I need to do?

    • Take your Math Placement Exam and First Year Student Survey. If you haven’t done either of these, please do so ASAP. Your Math Placement Exam has been emailed to your Utica University email address from Math Placement at Utica. If you have questions on your Math Placement please email mathpl@kionssdywfnkr.com

  • I see my schedule in BannerWeb or in my Navigate App, why isn’t this the final schedule?

    • Things change. Right now your Success Coach is doing their best to build you a great schedule, and we are working on things. When your schedule is set, we will let you know via your Utica University email.

  • I have questions about my schedule?

    • Any questions regarding your course schedule can be directed to your Success Coach. Please contact the Center for Student Success at (315) 792-3179.

Congratulations on graduation! We look forward to working with you soon.

Bethany Samuels
Director of Student Success
(315) 792-3179

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